Pole 2 Pole: pole-camping through the Netherlands – A photographic essay

In the Netherlands wildcamping is forbidden. If you find a nice place to put up your tent, it’s not allowed. But to compensate a little the Dutch forrest administration pointed out some designated places to camp out and see what Dutch nature can be like. These places are called “Paalkampeerplaats”, roughly translated as “pole camping place”. I traveled trough the Netherlands with my bike, in search of these places. This is the photographic account of the journey.


7 thoughts on “Pole 2 Pole: pole-camping through the Netherlands – A photographic essay

  1. Ziet er echt stoer uit.
    Super stoer gebouwde bivak!

    Groetjes de schrijven van het paalkamperen blog op Globegirl

  2. This is so great, i’m impressed especially because you did it in this season! At the moment I am also visiting these spots in the Netherlands with my bike but the weather is a little more comfortable even though I struggle a bit with the heat.
    Thanks for those authentic pictures!! 🙂

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